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High Power Bills? 4 Ways A Water Heater Repair Service Can Fix It

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If you've noticed that your power bills have been steadily increasing over the past few months, it's possible that your heater could be to blame. Water heating accounts for about 20% of the energy usage in a typical American home. With such a large portion of your energy budget going towards heating, it's important to ensure that your heater operates as efficiently as possible. This article explores common reasons why your heater might contribute to high power bills and how a water heater repair service can help to fix them.

1. Insufficient Insulation

If your heater is struggling in freezing weather, it may be working harder than it needs to and causing your power bills to increase. Lack of insulation causes heat to escape and requires your heater to work overtime.

A water heater repair service can assess your heater's insulation and recommend ways to improve it, such as using an insulation blanket.

2. Malfunctioning Thermostat

Your thermostat is responsible for controlling the heater's temperature, so if it's not functioning properly, your heater could be using more energy than necessary. A water heater repair service can test your thermostat and make adjustments to ensure it's working correctly. If that doesn't work, they can replace it.

3. Heater Element Sedimentation

Sediment can build up in the heater elements over time, as with any pipe or container holding water. The sediment buildup forms a barrier between the water and the element, reducing the contact surface and hence the heating efficiency.

The water heater repair service will use a specialized sediment flushing technique to fix sedimentation problems to remove the buildup. This will help to maximize your heater's efficiency and reduce your power bills.

4. An Old or Outdated Heater

If your heater is old or outdated, it may be using more energy than a newer, more efficient model would. A water heater repair service can assess the age and condition of your heater and recommend a replacement if necessary.

Upgrading to a newer, more energy-efficient heater can help to reduce your power bills significantly. An Energy Star-rated water heater can cut your water energy costs by up to 70% because it is four times more energy-efficient than standard models.

In conclusion, there are a number of reasons why your heater could be causing your power bills to increase. Insufficient insulation, a malfunctioning thermostat, clogged air filters, leaking or damaged ducts, and an old or outdated heater are all common culprits. Call a water heater repair service to diagnose and fix these problems to reduce your power bills and improve the efficiency of your heater.

For more information about water heater repair, contact a local contractor.
