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Clearing Clogged Drains: Tips and Tricks

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Dealing with a clogged drain can be frustrating and messy. No matter where it is, a clogged drain can disrupt your daily routine and create unpleasant odors in your home. This post will discuss some tips and tricks on how to effectively clear clogged drains and prevent them from happening in the future.

Causes of Clogged Drains

First, it's important to understand the common causes of clogs. The most common culprit is a buildup of soap scum, hair, and other debris in bathroom drains. In kitchen sinks, grease and food particles can accumulate and cause clogs. Outside of the home, tree roots can also invade underground pipes and create blockages.

Prevention Is Key

The best way to avoid dealing with clogged drains is to prevent them from happening in the first place. Here are some tips to keep your drains running smoothly:

  • Use a Drain Catcher: Placing a small mesh strainer over your shower or sink drain can catch hair and other debris before it goes down the drain.
  • Dispose of Grease Properly: Instead of pouring used cooking oil and grease down the kitchen sink, let it solidify in a container and dispose of it in the trash.
  • Avoid Putting Food Scraps Down the Drain: Use your garbage disposal to grind up food waste, or simply scrape plates into the trash before washing them.
  • Regularly Clean Your Drains: Pour boiling water down your drains periodically to help break up any buildup.

Tools for Unclogging Drains

If prevention methods fail and you find yourself with a clogged drain, there are several tools you can use to clear it. These include:

  • Plunger: A basic plunger can effectively unclog drains by creating suction and dislodging the blockage.
  • Drain Snake: This tool, also known as a plumber's snake or auger, is a long, flexible wire with a coiled end that can be inserted into the drain to break up and remove clogs.
  • Chemical Drain Cleaners: These can be effective in breaking down buildup in drains, but they can also be harsh and damaging to pipes. Use with caution and follow the instructions carefully.

When to Call a Professional

If none of the above methods work, it may be time to call in a professional plumber. They have specialized tools and expertise to effectively clear even the toughest clogs. Additionally, if you are experiencing frequent clogs, it may be a sign of a larger issue with your plumbing that requires professional attention.

Clogged drains are a common household problem, but with the right prevention methods and tools, they can be easily cleared. Remember to regularly clean your drains, dispose of grease properly, and use drain catchers to avoid future clogs. And if all else fails, don't hesitate to call in a professional for assistance.

For more info about clogged drains, contact a local company. 
