Plumbing Issues That Matter To You

Mistakes You Might Make As A DIY Plumber

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DIY plumbing can lead to mistakes that can cost you dearly. Recognize these dangers to limit DIY plumbing and preserve your plumbing system. Below are common examples of these mistakes. Over-Tightening Connections Plumbing installations usually involve tightening things. For example, you may need to tighten threaded pipes or bolts to connect different parts or install fixtures. As a DIY plumber, you risk over-tightening and damaging things. For example, some materials might break if you over-tighten them.…

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Three Safer, More Natural Alternatives To Chemical Drain Cleaner

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When your drain clogs or slows down, what do you do? If you reach for a bottle of chemical drain cleaner and pour half down the drain, you’re not alone. Plenty of people take this approach, and it does often work to clear the drain. However, chemical drain cleaners are not without their faults. They can be dangerous if they splash back at you, and they can also damage your drain if left to linger in there for too long.…

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Handling Common Plumbing Emergencies

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Every homeowner will undoubtedly face a plumbing emergency at some point. From overflowing toilets and clogged sinks to low water pressure and burst pipes, these situations can disrupt daily life and even cause significant damage if not addressed promptly and correctly. What Should You Do If Your Toilet Overflows? Overflowing toilets are challenging issues for homeowners, yet being prepared can make all the difference. When confronted with an overflowing toilet, locate your toilet’s shut-off valve and turn it clockwise until firmly closed.…

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