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3 Signs You Need A New Heater

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The winter months can get brutal, so it's crucial for you to have heating services you can depend on. However, the life expectancy of your heat pump is only about 15 years with furnaces and boilers lasting up to 30 years. When your heating appliance reaches the end of its lifespan, you should remain alert for signs that it's time to get a new one. Here are 3 signs you need a new heater. 

1. Ineffective Heating

Did your heater work perfectly and then heat your home noticeably less effectively over time? Components inside your heater may not be working properly after years of wear and tear. The unit may require a replacement part.

Sometimes, basic maintenance can resolve the issue, too. Maintenance includes inspecting and cleaning the unit. You should hire a professional to perform heating maintenance once a year before the cold season. 

In some cases, your heater may not be worth the repair expense, especially if you will have to pay for multiple repairs to a deteriorating unit. If your heater never heated your home properly, you may have too small of a heater. Talk to an HVAC expert to learn about your options for a replacement heater. 

2. High Utility Bills  

All heaters come with an efficiency rating measured in annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE). The higher the AFUE, the better the efficiency of the heater. Your unit's efficiency depends on the fuel source it uses as well as the heating method. Electrical systems tend to operate more efficiently than gas systems. In fact, most electric furnaces and boilers have a rating of 95 - 100 AFUE, meaning it utilizes almost all the energy it creates for the heating process. Heating systems with ducts may use more energy than ductless systems thanks to the heat loss as the air travels to the desired part of the house. 

If your heating bills keep increasing from year to year, your system isn't running efficiently anymore. A new, more efficient unit may end up saving you money on your utility bills every month. 

3. Loud Noises

Your heater won't operate silently. Noise doesn't necessarily indicate a problem. However, when your heater suddenly gets louder and louder it indicates a loose or faulty component inside the unit. While it may work, the cause of the noise will need to be addressed eventually before it completely breaks. 

Heating failure in your home can become a nightmare. Look for signs that you need a new heater in advance to prepare yourself for the inevitable. 
