Plumbing Issues That Matter To You

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5 Drainage Options For A Slab Foundation

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Moisture around a slab foundation can lead to sinking, uplifting, and foundation cracks. There are a few ways to improve drainage around your foundation. Most homes benefit from using one or more of these methods.  1. French Drain French drains are typically installed along the downslope grade, often at a perpendicular angle to the foundation wall. They are most often used in areas near the foundation where water tends to pool.…

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Ow Is Septic Cleaning Different From Septic Pumping?

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Undoubtedly, septic tanks are an irreplaceable asset that you need to take good care of. Routine maintenance practices will ensure their optimal functionality. Regarding maintenance, two services stand out: cleaning and pumping the tank. Although the two terms are used interchangeably, they are distinct. Here is what they both mean. Septic Pumping This is a process through which a technician uses a hose to get rid of liquids and sludge from the septic.…

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5 Common Furnace Noises and What They Mean

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Odd noises from your home’s furnace should never be ignored. Often the problem is repairable, but you can minimize damage by making an immediate service call to a heating contractor.  1. Startup Boom A boom or thud upon startup is generally a problem with a gas furnace. The cause is residue buildup in the ignition or burner plate. When the ignition clicks on, this residue ignites and causes the noise. If you don’t have a gas furnace, then the issue could be a loose duct that is moving into place loudly only when the air begins to blow through it.…

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Installing A New Sewer Line For Your Home

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The sewer line is responsible for transporting the wastewater from your home. Whether you are building a home or needing to install an upgraded sewer line, it is important to be prepared for this major plumbing work. Consider The Placement Of Large And Important Plants The location of large and important plants will be something that you need to consider as you are planning for the installation of the new sewer line.…

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How Can You Tell If Your Home's Plumbing Is Too Old?

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You know that your home’s plumbing can have problems from time to time, but do you also that pipes and other plumbing fixtures eventually wear out? Your plumbing might be one of the most durable aspects of your house, but it won’t last forever. All materials ultimately fail, including newer options such as PVC or cross-linked polyethylene (PEX). When your plumbing begins to age, you’re more likely to experience costly repair issues.…

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4 Signs Your Garbage Disposal Needs Repair

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The garbage disposal unit in your kitchen is a handy appliance that helps get rid of food wastes and other food debris. This not only protects your kitchen plumbing pipes but also aids in keeping your kitchen clean and free of vermin. Appropriate use and maintenance of your garbage disposal unit will guarantee that your garbage disposal functions as required. However, just like any appliance in your house, problems and breakdown can arise.…

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Three Signs You Need Professional Drain Cleaning

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The importance of drain cleaning cannot be spoken of enough. You rely on your drains to flush out waste from your sinks and toilets, so without them, the hygiene levels in your home would drop down significantly.  But cleaning your drains doesn’t mean using over-the-counter drain cleaners, as this could potentially damage your plumbing system. Instead, it means seeking drain cleaning services. Not sure you need drain cleaning? Check out these three signs.…

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Grease Clogging Your Kitchen Drain? What You Should Do

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If you’re one that drains the oil from your frying pan, the grease from your baking pan, or the oils from other foods you’ve cooked down your drain, you could be setting yourself up for a disaster. If you’re already to that point, and your kitchen sink is clogged with grease and oils that you can see caked inside the drain, you have an issue on your hands that you need to take care of.…

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Why Should You Replace Your Home's Polybutylene Water Line?

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The municipal water lines that supply your home with fresh, potable water can be made from a wide variety of materials, from traditional copper to modern PVC plastics. Most of these lines will last for decades with minimal maintenance. However, if your home uses a water line made from polybutylene plastic, it should be replaced by a professional water line installation service as soon as possible. Why Should Polybutylene Water Lines Be Replaced?…

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How Do Plumbers Perform Drain Repair?

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Drains allow wastewater to be funneled away from your home and into the appropriate septic tank or municipal wastewater treatment plant. When drains are unable to fulfill their function, the result can be unhealthy standing water which can proliferate bacteria and foul odors. Clogged and damaged drains must be repaired as soon as possible, and a plumber can help. Here are four tools that a plumber can use to repair your drain:…

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