Plumbing Issues That Matter To You

Why Should You Replace Your Home's Polybutylene Water Line?

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The municipal water lines that supply your home with fresh, potable water can be made from a wide variety of materials, from traditional copper to modern PVC plastics. Most of these lines will last for decades with minimal maintenance. However, if your home uses a water line made from polybutylene plastic, it should be replaced by a professional water line installation service as soon as possible. Why Should Polybutylene Water Lines Be Replaced?…

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How Do Plumbers Perform Drain Repair?

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Drains allow wastewater to be funneled away from your home and into the appropriate septic tank or municipal wastewater treatment plant. When drains are unable to fulfill their function, the result can be unhealthy standing water which can proliferate bacteria and foul odors. Clogged and damaged drains must be repaired as soon as possible, and a plumber can help. Here are four tools that a plumber can use to repair your drain:…

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3 Potential Sources Of Radiant Heating Pressure Changes

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If your home uses radiant heating, then it’s powered in one of two ways: through hydronic plumbing or electric floor pads. Hydronic heating is typically more efficient and common, but it can have its own potential set of problems. Homeowners typically monitor the system pressure to determine if an issue exists, but what can pressure changes tell you? Most home radiant heating systems operate in a range of around 15psi cold pressure, with some slight variations depending on the water temperature as the system runs.…

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